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Our Programs

Dawn of Liberty

This a pro liberty driven student program poised at raising over 30,000 students for liberty and objectivism across Africa within robust education system is key for economic development and growth in nations across the continent and Africa’s education needs the quality it deserves to be able to absorb the millions of young people into the regional, national, or global workforce. Educational Viewpoint program informs, educates and engages African citizens on the current state of Africa’s education.

The Kusimi Rehabilitation Advocacy on Climate Justice (KRAC-J)

KRAC -J programs would be focusing on people living in deprived communities face numerous challenges associated with the environmental and health aspect of their lives including water pollution, land degradation, biodiversity and the transmission of infections and diseases. KRAC-J program reports Oil issues and educate on measures to have a clean Africa.

Wear Off Covid-19

The objective of the WOC project is to setup, a platform that fact check updates and issues on the pandemic. We plan on sharing over 1,000 multimedia information including facts, myth busters, contact tracing, contact details of various state disease control centers while working with local NGO’s and international donors and partner to distribute need-based relief material to family and communities adversely affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Upskill Africa

The most youthful continent in the world is Africa with more than 200 million youth and the need to empower youth for a better tomorrow is connected both, to the financial elevation as well as increment of the standard of living. Youth empowerment is imperative not only for national development of an entire country but also for personal development. Our Youth Base program is designed to empower and develop the youth fraternity.


The forum is a platform that connects the whole world into one virtual community where topical issues are discussed; suggestions are made and ideas are shared with all connected to the areas we focus on. Register and join this community and let your voice be heard for Africa’s Transformation.